
Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Ebola Scare--

The media is flooded by multitudes of information about Ebola.Where we stand today?It is a fact that every country is at risk because of unrestricted air travel.Was Ebola taken lightly by WHO?No.WHO has done all in its capacity to restrict Ebola.It is the dynamics of the disease transmission that effects the outcome.The most important aspect in the prevention of this diseaes is the prevention of exchange of bodily fluids.This disease is not transmitted by airborne particles or droplet infection though some of scientists have expressed the fears that it could be airborne in near future but I consider it just a hoax.

So what should be aware of.The most important aspect is avoidance of contact with people who had recent visited Ebola infected countries.This infection is now limited to health workers and health volunteers and it could spread to general population if containment measures are not in place.No country in the world today has everything in place to fight this menace.There can be few hospitals who have well defined protocols and the fully personal protective equipment for each and every personnel.Traditional methods like quarantine are the best measures to stem its spread.

Many health care workers and scientists have become too emotional to talk about quarantine and travel restrictions.I presume that this is not the time to speculate .WE know the dynamics of transmission we should not be too emotional in following the laid procedures.This is the only way we can save lives.We should not forget that the case fatality rate  of Ebola is greater than 50%. As I write this blog the total no of cases have crossed 10,000.what is the meaning of this ?It simply means that Ebola is spreading and we are not doing enough.Ebola has spread to greater than 15 African countries and the clock is ticking.World today is facing a crisis situation and it demands control measure son war footing.It has reached United States.I believe greater catastrophes are in place one it reaches South east nations as they will be the worst hit.

There is time still on our hands and we should do our bit.Governments all over the world need to coordinate the activities and there should not be only fragmented approach to this problem.