
Saturday, April 5, 2014


Meanwhile at Prof Nathan's Lab somewhere at the  Utah Mountains." These instruments are quite frustrating" exclaimed Dr.Nathan." I have been unable to track,Dr.Robert". Dr Nathan added. "Robert is somewhere within the realms of two universe and he has to make efforts for an entry to the world". Suddenly  gravity detector GE004 started humming. "We have something positive Prof Nathan",exclaimed Gershon a Israeli scientists who was incharge of the gravity detector. There are signatures indicating gravity movement in a distant place which are similar to the gravity signatures of Dr.Robert. Ooh..That's great news, Prof Nathan smiled. He was confident that he had achieved his goal. Gershon was not amused. "But Professor where is Dr.Robert" asked Gershon again.

Prof Nathan added " Our universe unbelieving is an image projected backwards in time from a holographic image located at the boundary of our cosmos, in the infinite future. As the image projects into the past, it fades away, becoming much  grainy and undefined, eventually fades into nothingness. What i have done is  i have projected Dr.Robert to the holograhic world in the future and who knows he may even find us there. If correct, it could help explain how the universe, and time as we know it, came from nothing, as well as helping in the quest to unite quantum mechanics—the theory that governs particles on the small scale—and general relativity—which describes the large-scale cosmos. "It’s one of the most spectacular things I’ve ever worked on" claimed Dr Nathan." Dr Robert has reached the realms of that future universe and he would eventually come back because of his gravitational signature" added Dr.Nathan.


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