
Tuesday, April 8, 2014


The PLA and the Chinese government had also been organizing a very secret clandestine program. The Chinese had been more outgoing in their approach and they were the first to claim that they had mastered a thermonuclear reactions in the laboratory but it later turned out to be  a Beijing propaganda. Mao tsutung had been a very cruel ruler  and in his times sacrificed a great no of scientists and he was also excited to take scientists who had sought asylum in China. Due to the economic slowdown and the sanctions imposed on The North Korean regime Chinese had been weakened.

 Back at Prof Nathan's lab--

"Prof we have an extra heat signature on our panel!" exclaimed Boris a Russian scientist. "Seems like there is someone else on the transition zone"Prof Nathan replied. Prof Nathan was amazed how could there be an extra heat signature when Dr.Robert is the first and only person to have crossed the event horizon. "There is something wrong,or is that someone else has also been successful in crossing the event horizon of the black hole not that Borislav again"thought Prof Nathan. Prof Nathan's nemesis was staring in his face again. He recollected how in his  good old days Borislav had been the thorn in his path of success always. "Prof Nathan, is it time to press the transcend button or do we wait" a soft feminine voice woke Prof Nathan from his thoughts. It was the voice of  Kathleen she was a young novice in Prof Nathan's lab. But she was quite a brilliant scientists.  She was beautiful and also had also been a champion skier of United States." Prof Nathan the heat signature are fading",said kathleen again. "It's O.K seems like the portal has been slowing down it would again pick up speed and we would be able to do our job then, but worries me is the presence of a second heat signature" Prof Nathan said with a worried look on his face.
kathleen saw the anxious face of Prof Nathan indeed he was disturbed, But prof" can't it be a a white hole radiation that had been activated by the presence of Dr,Robert in the transition areas" kathleen said with a sparkle in her blue eyes.

Kathleen could have been right there is a antecedent white hole for every black hole that exists in this universe  but the simmering different qualities of this white holes are that they cannot be entered from outside in this universe they seem to be the portal of entry of some other world or universe or should we say a MULTIVERSE.


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