
Wednesday, April 2, 2014


File:Black Hole Milkyway Event Horizon.png

It was dark and silent again. Robert could feel his heart thumping again. Where am i?? He wondered. There was nothing that he could feel for. The things that he had longed for had vanished. It was swampy and marshy place.” Great way to start a day??”He thought. He could remember the warmth of Kristina hugs in that dark scary surroundings. He longed for his house, good food and a set of brand new dresses. He could feel the mud inside his shoes. He could remember that he had travelled through a shiny metallic mirror at the professor’s lab. But where he had he come now and way is there darkness. He could only feel wet and sand.
Meanwhile at the professor’s lab—
“Eureka I have done it I have transported a person into a parallel world through a wormhole” said Professor Nathan. He was jubilant and smiling. Indeed it was time for celebration as Professor Nathan had been working in this project for 35 yrs. At his time theoretical physicists were not so respected. He had a working on the concept of wormholes he believed they could be built in laboratories and could help teleport a person anywhere.
Meanwhile somewhere in a parallel world Robert was strifing hard to find an explanation for this place. He was worried that worse was yet to come. He know that it could be an event horizon of a black hole where things  usually seem to be calm at the beginning.To his utter amazement his watch was running backwards. Robert quickly removed his watch and noted his present time. He had to keep record of his time. After  walking a couple of yards he could feel the ground shaking he knew his nemesis has come. Somehow he gathered courage and was moving forward. Now he could see swirling lights above his head. These lights were swirling in the opposite direction in which the ground was turning. The circling grew more in speed and he had lost consciousness now. It was dark and silent again.
Prof Nathan was celebrating. His assistant then added” but Prof. where is Robert?”Prof Nathan gave him a weird look.” Well Do you think that I don”t have a answer to that question do you Ahmad”. Prof replied with anger in his eyes. All these years Prof Nathan He developed from a naïve young scientist to a adamant authoritarian. He had sacrificed his life for this project named as “ECSTASY”. These scientists have been holed up in the tunnel of Uthah Mountains for the secret project of the Americans billions of dollars funding had been provided. Russian was close to this technology but the Americans were successful in pursuding their scientists to migrate to the United states.

 Prof Nathan regained his composure and said "Robert is within the arcs of an event horizon he would travel through it and into a parallel world." "But how will he come back, Prof ?"questioned Ahmad. "Well, We will have to wait and see". The transporter was still revolving in the lab Prof switched it off and walked out of his room.
 Somewhere in the Baikal Mountains(Russia)---

"Prof Borislav " said Miroslav--"We had an extraterristial activity on the supersonic feeders at the space station--MIR.

Prof Borislav frowned and was looking angrily over his spectacles. "Seems like my dear friend Prof Nathan has done some mischief again" Prof Borislav added. Prof Borislav had been working hard after NATO had imposed sanctions on Russian. In his small laboratory Prof Borislav had been working on the same teleporter that Prof Nathan had built and tested. This lab in the interiors of Baikal mountains 15 kms deep had been a secret project of Russians that had been dedicated for time travel research. Prof Borislav had access to any thing he had wanted and was working with a group of over 150 scientists.

"BEEP--BEEP--Prof ,. President needs to talk to you" the gadget inside the coat sounded-- Prof  took out a device from his pocket and hastily pressed a red button on the gadget. A virtual screen popped up in front of professor."Good Eve Prof"said Mr.Vladimir." We have intelligence report of the secret american mission at the Utah mountains. They have beaten us Prof".Mr President added." These stupid Americans can't beat us Mr. President and not that scumbag Nathan, Mr President"Replied Prof Borislav.

Prof Nathan  and Prof Borislav had attended MIT together and were good friends before. The Alpha Omega MIT student group was the most active group in the 70's.These group had deigned a mind Robot that could act on instructions of one's mind no keyboards and  no oral instruction. There were a no. of groups in MIT campus at that time. Both these guys were the most brilliant students of their time. They had started the work on particle physics and had bright ideas. Parallel world concept and the string theory were developing at that time. Prof Nathan and Prof Borislav had integrated the concept of time travel and existence of the parallel worlds.

 Both of these scientists were holed up in the depth of mountains were unrecognized in the present times they didn't have an identity they were non existent to this world. They were sacrificed for this project. The Russian government had named this project as победа meaning VICTORY. Three of the scientists from the Russian side were sentenced to death because they were found guilty of selling information to the Americans.

 The Baikal mountains seemed so calm and serene but nobody knew that it had so many secrets inside it.lake Baikal  waters acted as an excellent source of coolant for the thermodynamic reaction that were generated in these experiments. The inhabitants nearby could not guess why the vegetation cover was slowly shrinking in the areas. the areas seemed so calm and spooky. Sometimes the nearby villagers could see large trucks and caravans of vehicles but could not guess where these would vanish.Dimitry was in the Baikal village areas and was investigating the death of fishes in these waters. Dimitry had been gathering samples of water and the vegetation nearby but he was always stopped at the Russian army checkpoints and he had to give away all his collected samples but Dimitry was determined that the government was hiding something and he would come out with the truth someday.

Meanwhile at Prof Borislav lab--"Nathan can never beat me not at this venture"roared prof Borislav. He then turned a gigantic screen infront of him and was busy calculating something. The most beautiful things in life are pretty small things. Prof Borislav had grown old now he was a fine young gentlemen of MIT was always active in different events. a great piano player,loved baseball an American sport and was a ardent reader of science fiction. His parents had died in an plane crash and his girlfriend Anna Slovosky had drowned in a lake while they were holidaying. it was a kind of double whammy for Prof and after that he had consented for the secret project of Russians he had his passport impounded and his social security no. was abolished and he was declared dead to the world.
Prof Borislav life has been an example for everyone. After he was born his father had developed paraplegia his mother than took job in a bakery and somehow had raised her son.He had his schooling in the suburbs of Crimea and was a strong nationalist at his times. One of the best qualities of Borislav was He was an ardent leader and orator. His father had later become dependent on alcohol and died unknown. Borislav had seen great hardship and difficulty in his life and was now here chief of one of the most sophisticated lab in Russia and one of the highly prized scientists of Russia. All nations of the world do scientific experiments  and there are two parts one that is visible to everyone and one that is hidden. To maintain order in this world governments do censor development and scientific accomplishments.

Borislav had been a bright student. His first conflict about space time and quantum physics came when he had this question in his mind--

 Why are the two major theories in physics—one dealing with stars and galaxies, the other with atoms and subatomic particles, both proved time and time again—mutually incompatible? 

Later on when he was only 22 yrs he had attended the Scientific convention in england and came up with this answer in front of an enthralling audience--

 “If you’ve got a lot of energy in tiny distances, it means that space is incredibly frothy and wildly undulating, and these undulations are so violent that they completely destroy Einstein’s Geometrical Model of Space, the central principle of General Relativity. On large scales, such as that of galaxies and beyond, these microscopic kinetic undulations average out to zero; we don’t see them. Only when we focus on microscopic distances, do we become aware of the tumult that is going on and realize that it is so severe that Einstein’s theory falls apart".

The first conflict, which concerns motion and the speed of light, arose in the early 1900s. When an ordinary object such as a baseball or snowball is thrown at us, we can run away from it, causing the speed with which it approaches us to decrease. But if you try to run away from a beam of light, you cannot make it approach you any slower.   “Light will always approach you at 186,000 miles per second whether you run away from it, run toward it or stand still,” said Prof Borislav. “Einstein resolved the paradox by showing that our intuition regarding space and time was wrong, that our conception of motion—the distance something travels divided by the time it takes to get there—was incorrect.”And after his speech there was a loud applause in the hall and Borislav eyes were filled with tears. He had fulfilled his promise to his ailing mother.
