
Monday, July 30, 2018


Carla was a suave and smart  beautiful girl.It was her early teen age that brought her closer to Phillip.Phillip was a smart young man fancying gadgets and good clothes.So what was the chemistry between them.Well hard to say.Carla parents were refugees from Chechnya.Her father was a a gold merchant and her mother was a housewife.Carla liked rains, music ,winds and flowers.Phillip was found of gadgets and electronics.Phillip had met Carla first in her fathers shop and he had an invisible liking for the Girl.Carla on the other hand liked this gentleman for his fineness of things.Things have changed a lot since the family moved out of Chechnya.Carla had one of the most important things from Chechnya her grandmothers picture from a polaroid camera.she always talked to her Grandmother picture at midnight and its eemed she had conversations fron the other side too.Carla never spoke to Phillip about this as she feared that Phillip would ridicule her.One of the most astonishing thing about a relationship is that it never needs to stand on a common ground.

A young girl of 24 yrs old had seen war and turmoil and deceit she loved to be in England .It was a very happening city.Her father had taken a clerical job but he longed to hear the tingling noise and sounds of his Gold shop.With his eyesbrows full and Heavy he would stare outside his Office window in th dusty streets of Bristol.A full and lively City bursting out in South West of England.
Bristol was a happening and starting place of Early voyages.Bristol was famous in history as it added great applause and laurels to Great Britain.Howver it was also notoriously famous for its slave trade.This is inspite of the fact that it was one of the most popular tourist destinations.Bristol stands 120 miles to the west of London and at the confluence of Rivers Avon and Frome.

It was a long and sunny afternoon Carla had taken a nap and was getting up for a walk to her friends Brigette house.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Ebola Scare--

The media is flooded by multitudes of information about Ebola.Where we stand today?It is a fact that every country is at risk because of unrestricted air travel.Was Ebola taken lightly by WHO?No.WHO has done all in its capacity to restrict Ebola.It is the dynamics of the disease transmission that effects the outcome.The most important aspect in the prevention of this diseaes is the prevention of exchange of bodily fluids.This disease is not transmitted by airborne particles or droplet infection though some of scientists have expressed the fears that it could be airborne in near future but I consider it just a hoax.

So what should be aware of.The most important aspect is avoidance of contact with people who had recent visited Ebola infected countries.This infection is now limited to health workers and health volunteers and it could spread to general population if containment measures are not in place.No country in the world today has everything in place to fight this menace.There can be few hospitals who have well defined protocols and the fully personal protective equipment for each and every personnel.Traditional methods like quarantine are the best measures to stem its spread.

Many health care workers and scientists have become too emotional to talk about quarantine and travel restrictions.I presume that this is not the time to speculate .WE know the dynamics of transmission we should not be too emotional in following the laid procedures.This is the only way we can save lives.We should not forget that the case fatality rate  of Ebola is greater than 50%. As I write this blog the total no of cases have crossed 10,000.what is the meaning of this ?It simply means that Ebola is spreading and we are not doing enough.Ebola has spread to greater than 15 African countries and the clock is ticking.World today is facing a crisis situation and it demands control measure son war footing.It has reached United States.I believe greater catastrophes are in place one it reaches South east nations as they will be the worst hit.

There is time still on our hands and we should do our bit.Governments all over the world need to coordinate the activities and there should not be only fragmented approach to this problem.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Heart To heart

I stand alone,I stand alone,.
Winds of change blowing past,we are nw moving fast,
Things that i wish for,love that i long for is gone,
Give me those serene nights give me those warm days,
I stand alone, I stand alone.
Rivers have fallen dry,tears have been lost,
I see a mirage out there in the desert,
the sparrows beckons me she has lost her mate,
I stand alone , I stand alone.
come to me by moonlight,quench my thirst
I am greying,frail and weak,lost the will to fight
My loved ones need signs of my living
I am alone , I am alone.
Dark and deep forest and much to explore
Broken and down i scramble
I have nt lost the will to fight
I am alone, I am alone.
And i will see light at the end of tunnel
I will be the shining light
I will smoother your wrinkles
Though I am alone, I am alone.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


The PLA and the Chinese government had also been organizing a very secret clandestine program. The Chinese had been more outgoing in their approach and they were the first to claim that they had mastered a thermonuclear reactions in the laboratory but it later turned out to be  a Beijing propaganda. Mao tsutung had been a very cruel ruler  and in his times sacrificed a great no of scientists and he was also excited to take scientists who had sought asylum in China. Due to the economic slowdown and the sanctions imposed on The North Korean regime Chinese had been weakened.

 Back at Prof Nathan's lab--

"Prof we have an extra heat signature on our panel!" exclaimed Boris a Russian scientist. "Seems like there is someone else on the transition zone"Prof Nathan replied. Prof Nathan was amazed how could there be an extra heat signature when Dr.Robert is the first and only person to have crossed the event horizon. "There is something wrong,or is that someone else has also been successful in crossing the event horizon of the black hole not that Borislav again"thought Prof Nathan. Prof Nathan's nemesis was staring in his face again. He recollected how in his  good old days Borislav had been the thorn in his path of success always. "Prof Nathan, is it time to press the transcend button or do we wait" a soft feminine voice woke Prof Nathan from his thoughts. It was the voice of  Kathleen she was a young novice in Prof Nathan's lab. But she was quite a brilliant scientists.  She was beautiful and also had also been a champion skier of United States." Prof Nathan the heat signature are fading",said kathleen again. "It's O.K seems like the portal has been slowing down it would again pick up speed and we would be able to do our job then, but worries me is the presence of a second heat signature" Prof Nathan said with a worried look on his face.
kathleen saw the anxious face of Prof Nathan indeed he was disturbed, But prof" can't it be a a white hole radiation that had been activated by the presence of Dr,Robert in the transition areas" kathleen said with a sparkle in her blue eyes.

Kathleen could have been right there is a antecedent white hole for every black hole that exists in this universe  but the simmering different qualities of this white holes are that they cannot be entered from outside in this universe they seem to be the portal of entry of some other world or universe or should we say a MULTIVERSE.


Monday, April 7, 2014


"Prof Nathan, we are getting strong signals on the teleporter" exclaimed a scientist. "There must be some movement in the singularity areas" Prof Nathan replied. Dr. Robert meanwhile  stuck somewhere in between two universe was constantly trying to comprehend the possibilities of his existence. Suddenly Dr.Robert 's wrist watch lit up" it must be the gamma ray bursts, that means i am within the realms of a white hole" observed Dr.Robert. Dr.Robert had been told that the gamma ray burst in the areas of singularity is  a portal back to the universe from which one comes from. "I must find a powerful origin of these gamma ray bursts that would help me to eventually go back" thought Dr.Robert. Dr Robert moved forward and he could see a dim light that was shinning far away" that must be the gateway!" Dr.Robert exclaimed. Dr.Robert was striving hard to find his way to the source of light.

Dr. Nathan then in the laboratory commanded" it is time to add the antimatter". The antimatter does not have  a mention in the periodic table of metals and matter. It is an entity that is the basic requirement of the concept of time travel. It is represented as a negative mass. It is called fosons. The american secret project had developed  fosons in a thermonuclear reactions that happened in the nineties in the outskirts of Vietnam areas. The only thing that had disturbed Americans at that time was the observation of Beijing  through a  press release at that time which had stated the occurrence of a thermonuclear reaction near Vietnam areas. Chinese had also been skeptical of the Americans and had doubted that Americans were hiding something.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Prof Nathan was very much engrossed in the concept of parallel world in his times. The major problem with the working of the black holes and the time travel was the notion that these are not stable and it needs antimatter to be stable most of the scientists  working in his times believe that the antimatter has been pushed to the far realms of the universe because of inflation and stabilization of the black holes could be achieved only by these antimatter particles. Prof Nathan was one of the first proponents of The Casimir effects at this times and had stated that the concept of wormholes is a reality and wormholes could be made in laboratories he was greatly criticized in his times.